Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Continuing The Massive Recapitulation

So before reading about octopuses, I had to go to NYC for work, easily the first time I've been back there for years ... just thinking that would predate 9/11 ... when I used to go to WTC quite frequently during my early years in government.  This trip was in August, shortly after Bill and Em came up from Texas for their vacation up north.  I believe I might have mentioned in the blog before that Em's mother is a pre-publication proof reader of paperback books and Em usually brings several with her for me, but probably also to get her house less cluttered.  A couple of years ago, she brought Ahab's Wife which I didn't like that much.  This time she brought another Sena Jeter Nashlund novel, Adam and Eve.  What a difference.

I just checked Amazon's review and they call the plot preposterous.  I tend to see it more a female Indiana Jones adventure, in a setting that harkens to 100 Years of Solitude fantasy.  It is the scope and themes of the story that attract me:  an astrophysicist's search for alien life, the vested interests of traditional monotheistic religions to hold to a creation theory, and the creation of prehistoric art and how art and family defines man.  It certainly was a page turner and kept me reading as many paragraphs as I could cram in between conference sessions.

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