Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Clueless: Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante

I think I saw a review of this murder mystery in the New York Times and reserved it at the library. When I picked it up, the woman at the desk reminded me I only could take it out for two weeks since it was a new book. Finished it in two days! Wow what a book and from a first time author.

Dr Jennifer White is a renowned orthopedist in Chicago specializing in reconstructive hand surgery. She is only 64 but already has early onset Alzheimer’s and is forced to retire. Her friend and neighbor Amanda is killed and four of her fingers cleanly sliced off – Jennifer becomes the prime suspect but her illness has so eroded her memory and though process that she cannot remember anything that happened recently.

Jennifer narrates the story with all the confusion and flashbacks of her early years that keep intruding. Her mind continues its downward progression until she does not recognize her family or caretaker and becomes more of danger to herself. Her children sell her house and have her admitted to a nursing home, all the while the detectives keep trying to jar her into remembering anything about the day of Amanda’s death.

Jennifer’s life and her relationship with husband, children and friend Amanda are all presented to the reader in the randomness of her recollections, sort of a stream of unconsciousness, devoid of chronology or cause and effect.

It is a powerful book for its novel literary device, insight into a family devouring disease, and masterful writing. A book to recommend to strangers on the street.

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